What happens when I don’t take my own advice..

2014-10-22 09.24.51

I have a monthly Amatsu treatment. It involves a 3 hour round trip and I pay full price for the session but I work hard and spend a lot of time on my feet, as well as a significant portion of my week in front of a computer, so it is an important part of my health and wellbeing and I never miss a session. However, last week I didn’t follow my own post-treatment advice and I experienced, from the inside, the effect that had on the efficacy of the treatment.
This month, for a couple of days before the session, I had been feeling a burning ache around my left waist area which I knew was my 12th rib, something pretty uncomfortable when it is stuck, but relatively straightforward to correct. Now, I have absolute faith in Amatsu and my teacher Taz Faruqi, who treats me but, if you are a client of mine, you may have heard me say ‘I have you for 45 mins  a week/month, you have you for the rest of the time’ Somehow I forgot that!
The morning after my treatment I woke up feeling energised and, without thinking, decided to go for a swim. I had lovely time in the pool, enjoying the water and the movement of my body but as I left the pool, I felt a twinge right where I had been feeling it before.
My clients will know that I always suggest that they don’t exercise for 24 hours after a session. The reason for this is that after an Amatsu treatment, the body is still doing its own adjustment for hours and sometimes days later. Blood flows to areas previously constricted, muscle fibres lengthen or contract depending on need, things shift. It is important to let that inner wisdom unfold. It is part of the mystery and wonder of our bodies.
I could have kicked myself as I realised straight away what I had done. Only 12 hours after my treatment, I had been joyfully flinging myself up and down the pool using floats and challenging my arms and legs to work solo. I’d had a lovely time, but my body wasn’t quite ready for it. I hadn’t given it the opportunity to work its magic and assimilate what Taz had started. It’s a week later now and I’m totally fine again, but I had at least 5 days where I felt some sort of twinge which was pretty frustrating.
It’s not always easy to walk the talk as a practitioner – none of us are perfect – but it was a wonderful reminder of why the simple advice I give is actually important. Sometimes it’s harder to do the simple stuff. We think ‘Does it really make a difference?’ So I’m grateful for the reminder that just because the advice is simple, doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. Next time, I’ll leave the goggles where they are for a day!

Until next time,


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